3 Locations in Berkeley for Your INSTA(nt) Boost
So LA’s got its pink wall, and SF’s got its hearts in Union Square, but what does Berkeley have? I’m sure all you avid Instagram users have encountered or even posted a picture of the classic “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine” maroon wall on Oxford. Yeah, it’s cute—with its positive message in the middle of bleak Berkeley—but I think we all could use some new locations for some fresh and ‘not-so-basic’ (but basic) pictures.
Here are three locations in Berkeley as well as some outfit ideas for your next photoshoot!
Location 1: Orange Brick Wall on Telegraph and Channing
Want some bold edge on your feed? Well, this location is for you. Great for its vibrant color and witty captions, this wall will deliver the sass you want. Since the color is quite bright, wearing dark or toned-down outfits would balance out the overall picture. Simple yet bold accessories like chokers would definitely crank up that edge factor with this wall as well.

Location 2: Wurster Courtyard
Hmm looking for something more simple or lowkey? Wurster, the building mainly known as the real homes of architecture majors, has your back. The rugged concrete walls of the Brutalist style provide a simple, textured background that suits a whole array of styles! However, outfits that incorporate either a splash of bold or earthy colors would work best with this location. Clothes such as vibrant sweatshirts or plaids would be emphasized while toned down denim or grey shirts would blend in with the background. Overall, if you want something more casual and approachable, this location is for you!

Location 3: Wall Mural on Telegraph and midway Dwight/Blake
If you’re looking for a statement background, this location is for you. With its vibrant hues, the mural can be spotted from miles away. Simple outfits with muted tones would work best to contrast the mural’s bright colors, since you don’t want the wall to outshine you! Why not try out a monochromatic outfit, such as all white, to balance out the background as well as put all eyes on you?

Here are just a few locations around campus that can turn your photos from ‘damn, that’s bad’ to ‘damn, that’s baaad’. However, although edgy photos are nice (like really nice), the most important thing is to have fun. So, now that you’ve got some photoshoot ideas, have fun and be safe!
Words by Diana Woo
Photography by Warren Lai and Sara Ye