An Ode to Oversleeping: Ten Minute Makeup

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Let’s be real.

It’s been over a month since classes started, so I know most of you haven’t woken up in time to put on makeup in the morning for the past three weeks. I can’t even blame you either considering that midterm season has somehow already started for half the student population.

Maybe makeup has never really been your thing, and ABG’s are just the object of your daily envy. But, makeup doesn’t have to trim an hour off of your sleep schedule or require ten different $35 brushes that you don’t even know how to use.


Sunscreen should be the base of your makeup every day. Have you ever wondered how all those fifty-somethings somehow look younger than you after midterms season? Sunscreen. I know, I know. You don’t wanna look greasy or smell like the beach, but that’s easily avoidable by buying the right sunscreen for your skin type.  So spread it on clean skin to start your makeup routine.

Your next grab should be a reliable primer. While you could skip primer on a very busy morning, the reduced visibility of pores and glowy, baby smooth skin is usually worth the extra thirty seconds. There are hundreds of primers out there, so pick one for your skin type. Specific primers exist to handle specific skin conditions from dryness to redness to general dullness.

For a lighter look, skip the foundation and opt for a bit of concealer where uneven skin coloring still remains. Usually, these spots are under the eyes, around the nose, or on any blemishes.


Clear mascaras are the lazy student’s best friend. You can apply it to brows and lashes for a quick pick me up. They give your lashes a glossy and darkened appearance, and you won’t have to deal with smudged mascara or the nuisance that is removing black mascara.

When it comes to mascara, you can pick between the regular or waterproof. Waterproof holds a curl better but is more difficult to remove at the end of the day. Be sure to curl lashes before (not after!) application.

Use the brow mascara wand with a light touch; otherwise, you might end up smearing the product onto your skin rather than just the hairs of your brows.

Use the brow mascara wand with a light touch; otherwise, you might end up smearing the product onto your skin rather than just the hairs of your brows.

Brows can be taken care of using a tinted brow gel (try to go a shade darker than your hair color or a dark gray for black hair). Since brows are key to framing the face, you can spend more time here with a brow pencil. The aforementioned clear mascara will work on your brows, too, if you want that extra boost!

If your lips are on the dry side or if you’re using a liquid lip product, put on lip balm beforehand to make sure they don’t crease and crack. Protip: invest in a good tinted lip balm, and leave it in your bag and marvel at the single best investment you’ve made all year.


If you still feel like you need a little extra, try adding a sweep of one neutral eyeshadow color (think copper for darker skin, beige for lighter skin, or a slightly shimmery rose gold for all) with your finger.

Highlighter on the high points of your face—the tip of your nose, brow bone, cheekbones, cupid bow—will make you glow.


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While makeup is, of course, not mandatory, it’s great for a quick pick me up if you’re not feeling so fresh.

Makeup doesn’t have to break the bank or your sleep schedule, so don’t be afraid to dive in. Be sure to cross check on websites to find the best deals as there are constantly new markdowns or free shipping deals.

Words by Elizabeth Lemons

Photography by Chloe Akazawa