The Evolution of Dad Style
“Don’t let people grill your style, you don’t want a well done outfit to be a rare occasion.”
Oh dad jokes, they can’t all be winners, and that goes for fashion too. The trend in question: Dad Style. It has become more prevalent in recent years due to its level of comfort and practicality. With the help of some top A-listers (Leonardo DiCaprio and Harry Styles amongst others) embracing this niche in fashion, it has found its way into the fashion community. But even so, dad style remains disputed; many do appreciate the trend, but some view the fashion choice to be tacky or lazy.
When did this “dad style” emerge? We are used to mocking our dads’ style, or lack thereof, and now we’re here mimicking it?! We didn’t always sport our dads’ clothing, but we can trace the emergence of people following in their father’s footsteps in regards to fashion. The first instances of what would eventually become dad style came from hand-me-downs that fathers gave to their sons to begin work. From farmers to construction workers, this occurrence was not uncommon as it would save families some cash in the long run.
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Dad hand-me-downs were not the choice of the wearer, so when did it become a conscious fashion decision? We began to see people actively choosing to wear dad-inspired clothing from TV’s dads of the 80s and 90s. Some of the most iconic father figures from sitcoms served as inspiration for more than just their moral compass; they became fashion icons. The reason why these wardrobes sprung back up is in large part due to nostalgia. Modern day viewers of these classic sitcoms would mimic their favorite characters, and in turn, it gave them an excuse to wear clothing that would otherwise be frowned upon. This cultural shift in fashion played a part in popularizing items such as stone-washed “dad” jeans, flannel shirts, cable knit sweaters, and Aviator style readers. From Danny Tanner to Tim Taylor, these TV characters set an example on how to approach parenting and how to up one’s clothing repertoire.

The dad style we see today has gotten a helping hand from social media and the rise of publicity. With trendsetters like Kanye West and public figures such as President Barack Obama advocating dad fashion, many new trends have emerged and become even more popular than previous “dad” trends from a couple decades ago. Some, like the dad hat and chunky sneakers, show no signs of stopping and are popular with men and women alike.

Time to address the doubters: some people find dad style tacky and see it as a cop out in fashion. And although there is some truth to that viewpoint, many who have adopted dad style have an undeniable influence on today’s fashion industry. You could pretty much tack the word “dad” before any clothing item and it would become its own thing. That is why fashion influenced by the seemingly careless clothing choices our fathers made is so prevalent: from very practical beginnings to the evolution of the word “dad” as an umbrella term within fashion, we can all thank our pops for inspiring an essential niche in modern fashion.
With that said, I’m going to grab a cup of joe, solve today’s sudoku puzzle, and call it a day. Later kiddos!
Words By Michael Alvarez